5 problems prevent you from loss the sides and belly

Problem 1: lack of understanding of the nature of the rumen:How to solve the problem and you do not know the nature and origin? Many men and women think that a large part of the rumen is composed of water.And does so these people wearing thermal clothing and heavy belts on the abdomen to try to increase sweating and out of the water under the skin. This thing is very unfortunate. It is true that the body will lose a large amount of water due to sweating, but he will not lose one gram fat.Once a return to drinking water, back and abdomen size of the sides to normal and if you did not do anything. In addition, the increase in body temperature normal levels may lead to dehydration or to heatstroke and death, God forbid.

Rumen is a large gathering abdominal greasy, because of poor eating habits and because of genetics. Where the injured Erh have what is called the body of the apple. Also, some of the fat belly fat is visceral Visceral fat is fat and accumulate on the members of the body such as the liver, kidney and pancreas. And pose a major threat to public health because they cause several diseases such as diabetes and hypertension and heart disease. To get rid of belly fat, you must burn fat. And fat does not go out through sweat. And it breaks up in the blood and is used as an energy source.And when to burn fat? Burn less than when dealing with everyday needs of calorie food. You can calculate these needs from here.Problem 2: the lack of a clear plan and attempt to target belly fat alone:Many people think that all they have to do to burn belly fat is to eat some slimming pills or certain medications or buy Chinese exercises a wretched by telephone. And if this is the solution to what you are reading this article now, and when I saw the problem of rumen rife in various parts of the ground. From impossible to target abdominal fat Donna for others. Have you seen by a person with a flat belly fat and divided? To lose belly clearly, you must go down to the percentage of fat at least 10% of men and 15% at least for women.

Issue 3: doing the wrong exercses to lose belly:There are two types ofexercises carried out by most people to try WEIGHT abdomen. The first type is and abdominal exercises, such as the exercises Crunches and the Sit ups and also exercises the sides. And most regret thing is parking some of the people on your "rocking" and is a device that wraps around their midst, and the tremor are embarrassing.Of course abdominal exercises with heavy weights excellent solution for the emergence of the abdominal muscles and divided. The abdominal exercises many (more than 20 repeat) only leads to Zaah durability of the abdominal muscles. And not at all lead to the burning of abdominal fat or increase the size of their muscles.The other type of exercise is overrated in the aerobic exercises, especially low-intensity exercise such as walking.This type of exercise is weak influence whether to burn fat or to the health of the heart. Studies have shown that the most powerful types of exercises to strengthen the heart and burn fat is a high-intensity exercises stages HIIT.And not only exercises the enough. Must combine iron exercises and exercises the HIIT slimming and burn fat more effectively.Problem 4: Refrain from carbohydrates and fat and water:When people go to the doctor slimming Antichrist and the ignorant, give them free of fat diet with very small amounts of carbohydrates. Some of them and advise them not to drink water during food does not increase until the rumen and Ganab!This misconception needs to be detailed topics.1 - drinking water during food does not lead to the emergence of the rumen. And do not even drink soda water leads to the emergence of the rumen. Conversely, drink water before, during and after meals will facilitate the process of digestion because of the water's ability to break the food.2. Do not eat carbohydrates leads to increased rumen or fat. Starches an important energy source for the brain and the body. Eating calories higher than your needs is the cause of increased fat, not carbohydrates.3 - eating fat does not lead to increased fat. This rumor obsolete outdated.

Solution: try eating a balanced diet in proteins and carbohydrates and fat, taking into account the total calories. Water and drink as normal during food.5 problem: non-performance iron exercises:Related: How to burn fat until the last gram using iron exercises articleWomen think that iron exercises limited to men. And that women who engage in this sport are women with large muscles Cbhet men! This information is just plain wrong, because women do not have male hormones and growth rates, such as percentages of men. This makes the acquisition of muscle mass is extremely difficult. Fa Qusay, they can be reached with iron exercises is tightening and body split and get attractive curves. And that women who Arunhn in magazines are the Champions bodybuilder and taking male hormones to get these muscles.As the men think that they have to allocating the abdomen first, then perform exercises iron II. This misconception them injured Erh forever. Without iron exercises no WEIGHT the paunch or Ganab. Whether for women or men. It's that simple and clear.And I'm not talking about iron Exercise light weightsand many iterations and devices, which look like Swing Kids. But I'm talking about lifting heavy weights and free bar and Aldnabul exercises (Fe Municipal exercises).This is the most important problems and fallacies meet her day and I receive the email. If I have benefited from this article and publish it because there are millions who do these mistakes and we want to put an end to these fallacies. But please do not copy the content and relative to yourself.
