رجيم سريع لفقدان الوزن فى 4 أيام

Accursed for 4 days to reduce weight after Eid and Ramadan in a short period of time,

As Follows:


A piece of cheese with the qureish and authority with tea or coffee, or 2 hard boiled eggs or an omelet as well as ثمرتين of option.

A snack..

The choice of particular WATERCRESS parsley


Any amount of vegetables and authority, as well as grilled fish, or Chinese as a quantity of boiled chicken or grilled or tray with grilled zucchini, in addition to the authority, or Grilled Red Meat Super Racer 2 Level 2 from the net, nor lamb, as well as a salad green peas, or the authority of the tuna oil refinery added to the spices and vinegar and authority.

A snack..

The option, most notably, watercress, or vegetable soup vegetable بماجى one cubic "only" or a glass of lemon juice, a local green mint sugar substitutes.


As for the grilled chicken in addition to the authority, or two أوملت eggs or boiled eggs or cheese of the qureish and authority
